by wendy | Feb 17, 2023 | news
At February 22, 2021 Kooyman opened her new store at Barbados. Happy and proud that I could play a little role as the Interim Manager Training & Development. Besides the opening of the new store at Barbados, Kooyman implemented a new ERP system company wide as...
by wendy | Feb 17, 2023 | news
In January and February employees and management of Active Kidz took the training ‘Communication & Feedback’. A training about effective communication, but also about the impact of (different ways of) communication and giving and receiving feedback....
by wendy | Feb 17, 2023 | news
The 3rd year Human Resource Management students at the University of Curaçao aimed to approach the business community. Therefore, they organized a symposium about High Performing Teams for Successful Businesses. There were over 100 attendees who came to listen to very...
by wendy | Feb 17, 2023 | news
Op 31 oktober 2019 vond de verdiepingstraining ‘Ontwikkel je Leiderschap’ plaats. Naast een verdieping op Situationeel Leiderschap, waarbij we geoefend hebben met verschillende leiderschapsstijlen, stonden we stil bij verschillende manieren van...
by wendy | Feb 17, 2023 | news
If you do what you always did, you’ll get wat you always got… ‘It’s not your customer’s job to remember you. It’s your obligation and responsibility to make sure that they don’t forget you.’ (*Patricia Fripp, President, FrippVT Powerful Persuasive Presentations)...
by remco | Feb 17, 2023 | news
In 2019, Dynaf Group celebrated her 20 years anniversary in power by organizing the Dynaf Business Week. An international event where attendees from various countries attended. Durring the week there Week. An international event where attendees from various countries...